Mildred a shark

The column-interlacing feature of the c2p system keeps track of wether to draw the even or odd column. When you switch on column lacing by using Mc2pColumnLacing On, the system is reset to start with even columns. You can perform a toggle from even to odd columns and vice versa by using Mc2pColumnToggle. If even columns are currently being converted then Mc2pColumnToggle will set up the system to convert the odd columns, and vice versa.

Mc2pColumnToggle is suitable for use in a single-buffered display but will not produce the required results in a double-buffered or triple-buffered display, for which you should use the appropriate routine, such as Mc2pToggle, Mc2pToggleDouble for double-buffered displays or Mc2pToggleTriple for triple-buffered displays.

Possible syntax:

a shark